Budget sound production for roxanna

Workers Cost Price
Director Nothing £691.00
Producer Nothing £691.00
Production Staff £865.00 £900.00
Casting Director £485.00 £632.00
Lighting Cameraman £693.00 £1124.00
Production Sound £169.46 £589.45
Writer £327.50 £768.98
Sound Mixer £388.00 £481.00

Sound Production team:  The sound production team is there to record all sounds on set or in the location. The Production team includes Production Sound Mixers, Boom Operators and Sound Assistants that you would mostly see on the set of bigger films e.g. Hugh Hollywood successful films. The sound production team also ensures that the dialogue is recorded during the film shooting. Most film sets are challenging for the sound department, as there are often unwanted noises to deal with which sometimes makes it hard to hear the actor while they are filming. Although it is sometimes easier to re-record dialogue after the shooting, most actors and directors prefer to use the sound capture on set or location.  The sound production team also records atmosphere without dialogue or use wild tracks on set to assist the post production sound department during the editing process.

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